Wireless Module Industry Chain

1. Classification of wireless modules
Wireless modules, including communication modules and positioning modules, among which communication modules can be divided into cellular communication modules (including 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G and NB-IoT modules) and non-cellular communication modules .

2. Composition of the Internet of Things Industry Chain

In the application process of the Internet of Things, almost every increase in the number of Internet of Things connections will add 1-2 wireless modules.
The architecture of the Internet of Things rs232 to ethernet converter is divided into four levels from top to bottom: perception layer, network layer, platform layer, and application layer. It has formed a complete industrial chain from “bottom chip-module-terminal-operator-application”. Among them, the module is at the perception layer in the IoT architecture, and at the core of the entire industrial chain.
The wireless module is the hardware foundation to realize the connection of all things, and it is the first to benefit from the Internet of Things industry chain. With the explosive support of the number of Internet of Things connections, the shipment of communication modules will increase rapidly, with huge market demand and growth potential.

3. Position in the wireless module industry chain
Although in the entire industry chain, the technical content of modules is not as high as that of chips, there are still considerable technical barriers that need to meet customization needs. Upstream manufacturers lack income from integrating the industry chain, downstream customers lack technical capabilities, and modules have become an indispensable part of the IoT industry chain.
The research and development of module products requires the support of various technologies: communication technology, signal processing technology, information processing technology, etc.; it also needs to have a strong underlying protocol, micro-operating system, hardware tightly coupled embedded software and information processing application platform development ability.
Due to the diversity of industries, the specific needs of different application scenarios require mature solutions.RS485 to TCP/IP converter The production of wireless modules presents the characteristics of customization, which has high requirements for the application development capabilities of enterprises, so it also forms a certain threshold for the entry of new manufacturers. For example, the vehicle-mounted front-mounted modules must meet the special specifications and standards of the automotive industry. (ACE/SAE, etc.).

Wireless Module Industry Chainultima modifica: 2023-03-27T11:01:39+02:00da rubberantenna
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